Setup themes

the easiest way to setup multiple themes or just dark mode in tailwindcss. #tailwindcss

// global.css
.theme1 {
	--bg-color: 234, 246, 255;
.theme2 {
	--bg-color: 234, 246, 255;
// if you just want to handle dark/light themes
:root {
	--bg-color: 234, 246, 255; // light
@media (prefers-color-schema: dark) {
	:root {
		--bg-color: 100, 200, 255; // dark
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
	theme: {
		extend: {
			colors: {
					bgColor: "rgba(var(--bg-color))",

And finally you can do something like this to the wrapper element of your app

<body className="theme1">

Note that we have used rgba to handle cases like class="bg-bg-color/50" the opacity of the colors.

Merge Classes

tailwind-merge is Utility function to efficiently merge Tailwind CSS classes in JS without style conflicts.

import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge'
twMerge('px-2 py-1 bg-red hover:bg-dark-red', 'p-3 bg-[#B91C1C]')
// → 'hover:bg-dark-red p-3 bg-[#B91C1C]'

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